Pakistan Islamic Medical Association

Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA)
Motto We seek the pleasure of almighty ALLAH through character building and service to man kind
Islamabad, Pakistan
President DR Shafqat javed

Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (PIMA) is the largest organization of Muslim doctors of Pakistan[1]. Since its foundation in 1979 PIMA membership has steadily grown and now stands at over 3500 full members. PIMA is a registered NGO with its own Constitution. Currently it has 70 branches



The Prophet Muhammad (P.B.H.) sayings that “Allah creates no disease without creating a cure for it as well” and “the superiority of the learned over the mere pins is like the superiority of the moon when it is full over all other stars and the ink of the sailors is more previous than the Good of the martyrs” direct us towards reaching for unknown cures and medical research is thus our religions duty.

Aims & Objectives

1.[2] To motivate doctors to meet the practical requirements of Islam and organize on one platform those who agree to the mission of this organization.
2.To exploit as doctors the opportunities of mass contact for the spread of Islam. To make effective arrangements for ideological, moral and professional training of doctors belonging to this organization.
3. To setup professional medical organizations on correct and constructive lines and make efforts to solve in a positive way the genuine problems of the people in the medical profession.
4. To establish on Islamic lines an effective health policy and medical education in the country.
5. To formulate plans for the execution of charitable work concerning medical profession and through them disseminate among masses the message of Islam.


The history dates back to 1979, when fifty doctors from all over Pakistan met at students teachers center (STC) of the Punjab University, Lahore in the month of October. They laid down the foundation of an organization named as Pakistan Doctors Forum (PDF), a fraternity of medical profession. PDF carried on its mission for two years, initially by emphasizing more an organizational work and the membership drive[1]. It was April 1981, convention of PDF was held in Rawalpindi. This forum was renamed as "Pakistan Islamic Medical Association" (PIMA) and its constitution was approved. PIMA is an active member of Federation of Islamic Medical Association (FIMA), an international forum for collaboration of all Islamic medical associations around the globe. In the journey through 25 years, PIMA has emerged as a strong forum for Muslim medical professionals to excel in profession, ethics and provide relief to oppressed humanity in the country and around the globe as well.
